The library is an indispensable part of any educational institution as it supports the academic activities of the institution through the provision of a wide range of resources. AWMC has a well-furnished academic library, located in the fifth and sixth floor of the college building. The 8,800 square feet library is well stocked with books on all branches of medicine and surgery, with a collection of over 5,000 text books, references and monograph. It also has national and foreign journals on medical and allied subjects. The reading room can accommodate up to 100 students at a time. There is also the Bangabandhu corner to manifest the young minds with the historic achievement of us as an independent nation. Equipped with Wi-Fi, computer laboratory and facilities for playing video cassettes and CDs, the library remains open from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Rules for Library:
- Use the student ID card signed by the principal to enter the library.
- No books or other library materials shall be taken out of the library without following the library protocols.
- Borrowed books must be returned within due time.
- Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library. Use of mobile phone is prohibited.
- Eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly forbidden in the library.
- Readers should not mark, underline, write, tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.
- Newspapers, magazines and journals must be read only in the library on specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
- No library materials can be taken out of the library without permission. Unauthorized removal of anything belonging to the library will be treated as theft and dealt accordingly.
- Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose privilege of library membership and may be barred from using the library facilities.