3rd Professional Examination: Marks distribution of Assessment of Community Medicine & Public Health:
Total marks – 300
• Written = 100
• 20 marks MCQ (50% Multiple True and False (MTF) + 50% Single Base answer (SBA),
• 70 marks (25% Structured Essay Question (SEQ) + 75% Short Answer Question (SAQ)
• 10 marks: Formative assessment
• Structured oral examination= 100
• Practical (Conventional Practical / OSPE, RFST including Survey Report, Study Tour Report, and Report on Day Visit) =100


Related Equipment:
Weighing machine, Sakip’s tape/Measuring tape, Growth chart, Specimen and model, Posters and diagram, Laboratory equipment (to be procured)


Concept of Public Health, Community Medicine, Health and Disease

• Concept of Public Health and Community Medicine
• Concept of Health and Disease
• Common Health and Social problems
• Health Team Concept
• Changing concepts of Public Health and Health
• Natural history of the disease
• Indicators and Determinants of Health
• Prevention and Intervention of Diseases
• Characteristics of Ideal Health Care


Behavioral Science

Concept of
Behavioral science
Society, Family, Culture
Motive and Motivation
leadership Personality and IQ
perception, cognition, learning, motivation, emotion, attitude


Health Communication & Health Education

Health Communications:
• Definition of communication
• Classification of communication
• Functions of communication
• Elements of communication
• Barriers to communication
• Media and methods of communication


Health Education:
• Definition of health education
• Objectives
• Contents
• Principles
• Approaches
• Stages of adoption of a new idea


Medical Entomology

• Classification of Arthropods of medical importance
• Lifecycle of mosquito, sand fly
• Arthropod-borne diseases.
• Principles of Vector/Arthropod control measures
• Insecticides


Research Methodology and Biostatistics

• definition of research
• importance of research
• types of research design
• development and stapes of the research protocol
• formulation of research objectives general and specific
• perpetration of the research questionnaire
• different methods of data collection
• definition and difference of population and sample
• calculation of sample size
• types of sampling
• preparation of report writing
• Introduction to Bio-statistics
• Uses of Bio-statistics
• Vital statistics
• Data and Variable
• Methods and Tools of data collection
• Interpretation of data
• Analysis and Presentation of data
• Measures of central tendency
• Measures of dispersion
• Normal distribution curve.
• Health economics


Environment & Health

• Environment and its components
• climate changes and global worming


• Safe and wholesome water
• Sources, uses, and requirements of water
• Water impurities
• Principles and methods of purification of water
• Water quality standards for drinking water Water borne diseases


Air and ventilation:
• Composition of air
• Air pollutants and their sources
• Indicators of air pollution
• Effects of air pollution on health
• Methods of prevention and control of air pollution
• Ventilation
• Climate change and the greenhouse effect


• Criteria of good lighting
• Measurements of light
• Effect of improper lighting on health


• Sources and properties of noise
• Acceptable noise levels
• Effects of noise exposure
• Control measures of noise Radiation


• Sources and types of radiation
• Effects of radiation on health
• Measures of radiation protection


• Criteria of healthful housing
• Housing standards
• Effects of poor housing


Disposal of solid waste:
• Solid waste and its sources
• Methods of disposal and medical biotechnology
• Health hazards of solid wastes


Excreta disposal:
• Methods of excreta disposal
• Sanitation barrier
• Diseases borne by human excreta


Immunity, Immunization

Immunity and Immunization
• Immunization
• Immunizing agents
• Immunization schedule (EPI schedule)
• Adverse Events Following Immunization
• Herd immunity
• EPI and NID
• Cold chain
• Left out and drop out


Public Health Nutrition

• Types of foods and their sources
• Balanced diet
• Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
• Impotent Vitamins and their deficiency diseases.
• deficiency disorder of Important Minerals and trace elements
• Assessment of nutritional status
• Calorie requirements of different groups
• Food-borne, milk-borne diseases, and food toxins
• Pasteurization
• Food adulteration, additives, and fortification
• Humanization of cow’s milk


Principles of Epidemiology

Classification of epidemiological studies Description of descriptive and analytical studies Characteristics of experimental studies Different between cross-sectional and longitudinal; cohort and case-control studies Steps of investigations of an epidemic Outbreak Definition, classification, types, and uses of screening specificity, sensitivity, validity, reliability source and reservoir modes of transmission of diseases interruption of modes of disease transmission criteria of a susceptible host definition and explanation of community diagnosis and community treatment.


Epidemiology of Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

• Definition and difference between CD and NCD


Epidemiology and Prevention of:
• EPI diseases
• Diarrheal diseases and Enteric fever
• Malaria, Kala-azar, Filaria, Helminthiasis
• TB and Leprosy
• Viral hepatitis, Dengue, ARI, SARS (Covid 19), Bird flu, Rabies, Yellow fever
• Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases


Epidemiology and Prevention of common non-communicable diseases:
• Hypertension, IHD
• CVD (Stroke)
• Rheumatic fever and RHD
• Cancer
• Diabetes
• Obesity
• Arsenics


MCH-FP & Demography

• High-risk mothers and at-risk child
• Care of under-5 children, LBW
• antenatal, intranasal, and postnatal care, advice, and investigations
• Concept, mention the recommended feeding practices in IYCF
• Advantages and contraindications of BF
• Disadvantages of formula feeding
• Importance of colostrum
• What is Complementary Feeding (CF) and its importance
• Domiciliary and institutional delivery
• EMONC: Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care


Family planning:
• Concept of family planning
• Aims and objectives of family planning
• Contraceptive methods (OCP, ECP)
• MR with use of medication (MRM) and difference with emergency contraceptive pills • PPFP and post-abortion /MR/MRM family planning
• LAM-lactational amenorrhea method
• Eligible and target couples, safe period
• CPR, TFR, the unmet need discontinuation rate
• MCH-based family planning


• Definition of demography
• Demographic processes
• Demographic transition and indices
• Population pyramid
• Census
• Fertility and its influencing factors


School Health Services

• Objectives of school health service
• Aspects/components of school health service
• Task of school health medical officer
• Common Health problems of schoolchildren
• School health emergencies
• School health clinic
• Helpful school health environment
• Different types of a school desk and their importance


Occupational Health:
• Occupational health and its objectives
• Occupational environment
• Occupational health hazards
• Principles of prevention of occupational diseases
• Employees’ benefits


Health For All (HFA), Primary Health Care (PHC), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) & MDG, SDG

• Definition: HFA and PHC, UHC
• Principles and components of PHC
• Health-related MDG and SDG
• Components of ESP
• Name and Activities of important existing national health programs
• Organizational structure for the delivery of PHC
• Goal and indicators of HFA by the year of 2000 AD
• Levels of healthcare service delivery
• Concept, purpose and scope, evolution and diseases under IHR-2005
• Impotent National organizations. • Important International health organizations: WHO, UNICEF, RED CRESCENT, ICCDRB, CARE, etc.


Public Health Administration & Management

• Definition, Functions, Principles of Management, and Administration
• Definition, Indication, and Process of Planning and Planning Cycle
• Health Care Delivery System of Bangladesh
• Organizational Structure of Health Care Delivery in Bangladesh including reporting, supervision, and monitoring
• Health Care Referral System in Bangladesh
• Charter of duties of different health personnel