Marks distribution of Assessment of Physiology Total marks – 400 (Summative)

• Written= 200 (SAQ + SEQ) 140 + MCQ (SBA+MTF) 40+Formative 20)
• SOE =100
• Practical= 100 (OSPE40 + Traditional 40 + Integrated teaching 10+Note Book 10) Assignment on


Cellular Physiology



  • Physiology: Definition, goal & importance of physiology.
  • Homeostasis: definition, major functional systems, control systems, and regulation of the body function.
  • The cell: functions of the cell membrane and cell organelles.
  • The cell membrane transport: active & passive transport, exocytosis & endocytosis, intercellular communication.
  • Membrane potential: definition, basic physics of membrane potential, Resting membrane potential.
  • Action potential: definition & propagation of action potential.
  • Mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction & relaxation.
  • Neuromuscular junction: transmission of impulse from the nerve ending to the muscle fiber.


Physiology of Blood



  • Blood: composition & functions.
  • Plasma proteins: origin, normal values, properties, functions & effect of hypoproteinemia
  • Development and normal values of formed elements.
  • RBC: erythropoiesis.
  • Hemoglobin: synthesis, types, functions & fate of hemoglobin.
  • Red blood cell indices,
  • Anemia, Polycythemia & Jaundice: definition & classification.
  • WBC: Classification, morphology, properties & functions, leukocytosis, leucopenia.
  • Platelet: morphology & functions.
  • Hemostasis: definition & events.
  • Coagulation: definition, mechanism,
  • Clotting factors & fibrinolysis
  • Blood grouping: ABO & Rh system
  • Hazards of blood transfusion & Rh incompatibility.


Additional/Applied Physiology

  • Bleeding disorder: thrombocytopenic purpura & hemophilia, tests for bleeding disorder


Cardiovascular Physiology



  • Cardiac muscle: physiological anatomy, properties.
  • Junctional tissues of the heart: generation of cardiac impulse & its conduction.
  • Cardiac cycle: events, pressure & volume changes during different phases
  • Heart sounds: types & characteristics
  • ECG: principles, characteristics & interpretations
  • Functional classification of blood vessels & microcirculation
  • Interrelationship among pressure, flow, and resistance.
  • Local & humoral control of blood flow by the tissue.
  • Exchange of fluid through the capillary membrane.
  • SV, EDV, ESV, EF: definition & factors affecting them.
  • Cardiac output: definition, measurement, regulation, and factors affecting cardiac output.
  • Venous return: definition and factors affecting.
  • Peripheral resistance: definition & factors affecting.
  • Heart rate: definition, normal values, factors affecting & regulation.
  • Radial pulse: definition & characteristics.
  • Blood pressure: definition, types, measurement & regulation of arterial blood pressure.


Additional/Applied Physiology

Circulatory adjustment during exercise, Coronary circulation

Cardiac arrhythmias: tachycardia, bradycardia, bradycardia & heart block

Shock: definition, classification. Physiological basis of the compensatory mechanism of circulatory shock.


Respiratory Physiology



  • Physiological anatomy of the respiratory system
  • Respiration: definition, mechanism.
  • Pulmonary & Alveolar ventilation.
  • Pulmonary volumes and capacities (spirometry)
  • Dead space: definition & types
  • Pulmonary circulation- pressure in pulmonary system effect of hydrostatic pressure in lungs, pulmonary capillary dynamics.
  • Composition of atmospheric, alveolar, inspired, and expired air.
  • Respiratory unit and respiratory membrane.
  • Diffusion of Gases through the respiratory membrane.
  • Transport of Oxygen & Carbon dioxide in blood & body fluid. Oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve. Bohr effect, Haldane effect & chloride shift mechanism.
  • Respiratory centers: name, location & functions.
  • Nervous & chemical regulation of respiration.
  • Lung function tests: name, significance
  • Ventilation -perfusion ratio.
  • Regulation of respiration during exercise.
  • Hypoxia: definition, types
  • Cyanosis: definition & types.


Additional/Applied Physiology

  • Oxygen therapy in hypoxia
  • Definition of dyspnea, hypercapnia & periodic breathing.


Renal Physiology



  • Kidney: functions
  • Nephron: types, parts, structure & functions
  • Renal circulation: peculiarities & functional importance
  • Urine formation: basic mechanism
  • GFR: definition, determinants, measurement, control of GFR & regulation of renal blood flow
  • Reabsorption and secretion by the renal tubules
  • Definition of Tm, Renal threshold, tubular load & plasma load, plasma clearance, and diuresis,
  • Mechanism of formation of concentrated urine & diluted urine.\
  • Micturition reflex


Additional/Applied Physiology

Abnormalities of micturition



Gastrointestinal Physiology



  • Physiological anatomy of gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
  • Enteric nervous system.
  • Local hormones of GIT: name, function & regulation of secretion
  • Hormonal control of GI function.
  • Movements of the GIT.
  • GI reflexes.
  • Functions of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine


Additional / Applied Physiology

Pyloric pump



Endocrine Physiology and Physiology of Reproduction



  • Endocrine glands: name & name of their hormones.
  • Hormone: definition, classification, mechanism of action, assessment of hormone level.
  • Hypothalamic hormones, releasing & inhibitory hormones: name and functions.
  • Pituitary Gland: physiological anatomy.
  • Pituitary hormones (anterior & posterior): name, functions, mechanism of actions, and their control by the hypothalamus and disorders (dwarfism, gigantism, acromegaly & hypopituitarism, and diabetes insipidus).
  • Thyroid Gland: physiological anatomy.
  • Parathyroid hormone: functions, mechanism of action & regulation of secretion.
  • Adrenal Gland: physiological anatomy. Adrenocortical hormones: name, functions, mechanism of action, regulation of secretion & disorders (Addison’s disease, Cushing’s Syndrome, Conn’s disease).
  • Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas- hormones: functions, mechanism of action & regulation of secretion


Additional/Applied Physiology

Pathophysiology of insulin deficiency.


  • Introduction to reproductive physiology, sex determination & sex differentiation. Puberty
  • Functional anatomy of the male reproductive system
  • Secondary sex characteristics of male
  • Testes: functional structure and functions
  • Testosterone: function.
  • Spermatogenesis: steps & hormonal control.
  • Functional anatomy of the female reproductive system
  • Secondary sex characteristics of female
  • Ovaries: functional structure and functions. Functional structure of the uterus.
  • Menstrual cycle: definition, phases and hormonal control.
  • Ovarian cycle: phases and hormonal regulation.
  • Ovulation: definition, mechanism & hormonal control.
  • Definition of menstruation, menarche & menopause.
  • Ovarian hormones
  • Functions of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Placental hormones: name & functions.
  • Mammogenesis: development and lactation.


Additional/Applied Physiology

Indicators of ovulation. Anovulatory cycle.






• Functional organization of the nervous system and functions of major levels of the Central Nervous System (CNS).
• Neuron: definition, parts, types
• Nerve fiber: classification, properties, effects of injury/section to the nerve fiber
• Synapse: physiological anatomy, properties, types, synaptic transmission
• Neurotransmitters: definition, types, functions
• Sensory receptor: definition, classification, properties, receptor potential.
• General/somatic senses: definition, classification
• Ascending tracts/sensory pathways: name & function.
• Spinothalamic tract, the tract of Gall, the tract of Burdach, spinocerebellar tract: origin, course, termination & function.
• Cerebral cortex: name & functions of the Broadmann’s areas
• Reflex: definition, classification, properties
• Reflex arc: definition, components
• Stretch reflex, withdrawal reflex, crossed extensor reflex, reciprocal innervation & planter response.
• Muscle spindle: definition, physiological anatomy, functions.
• Muscle tone: definition, function, maintenance
• Descending tracts/motor pathways: name & function.
• Pyramidal tract: origin, course, termination, function & effect of lesion.
• Extrapyramidal tract: name, functions.
• Upper motor neuron and Lower motor neuron: definition, example, the effect of lesion.
• Spinal cord: hemi section.
• Cerebellum: functional division, functions, the error control mechanism of motor activity & cerebellar disorder.
• Basal ganglia: functional components, functions & effects of lesion
• Thalamus, Reticular formation, limbic system: components & functions.
• Hypothalamus: name of the nucleus and functions
• Autonomic Nervous system: components and functions

Additional/Applied Physiology
Pain: types, the dual pathway for transmission of pain, referred Pain. The thermostatic function of the hypothalamus. Posture, equilibrium: definition, name of the areas controlling them. Sleep, memory: definition, name of the areas controlling them. Alarm or stress response.


Physiology of Body Temperature



  • Normal body temperature, site of measurement, sources of heat gain, channels of heat loss, and regulation of body temperature in a hot and cold environment.


Additional/Applied Physiology

Heat stroke, hypothermia, frostbite, fever.


Physiology of Special Senses



  • Vision: physiological anatomy of the eye, image formation in the eyes, visual receptors, visual pathway, common refractive errors, photochemistry of vision, accommodation reaction, light reflex, dark & light adaptation, the field of vision, color vision, color blindness, visual acuity.
  • Hearing: auditory apparatus, receptor, mechanism of sound wave transmission, auditory pathway.
  • Smell: smell receptors, olfactory pathway.
  • Taste: taste receptors, modalities of taste sensation, taste pathway.


Additional/Applied Physiology

Effects of the lesion in the visual pathway.

Argyll Robertson pupil, Horner’s syndrome.



Physiology Practical


  • Developing skills in using microscopes & common laboratory equipment.
  • Collection & preparation of blood samples.
  • Observation of osmotic behavior of RBC
  • Determination of total count of RBC,
  • Determination of the total count of WBC
  • Determination of differential count of WBC.
  • Estimation of hemoglobin.
  • Observation of osmotic fragility of RBC.
  • Determination of ESR
  • Determination of PCV.
  • Determination of Blood grouping (ABO & Rh system) & cross-matching.
  • Determination of bleeding time & clotting time.
  • Interpretation of Red Cell Indices



  • Measurement of Blood Pressure & effect of exercise on it.
  • Auscultation of 1st & 2nd heart sounds.
  • Examination of the radial pulse.
  • Recording & analysis of normal ECG (12 leads).:



  • Examination of the respiratory system (physiological aspect)
  • Counting of respiratory rate.
  • Auscultation of breath sounds.
  • Determination of lung function tests including Spirometry.



  • Examination of motor & sensory functions.
  • Elicitation of the reflexes & interpretation of its clinical importance. (knee jerk, biceps jerk, triceps jerks & planter response).



  • Auscultation of intestinal sound



  • Determination of specific gravity of urine



  • Examination of motor & sensory functions.
  • Elicitation of the reflexes & interpretation of its clinical importance. (Knee jerk, biceps jerk, triceps jerks & planter response).



  • Recording of the body temperature.
  • Observation of the effect of exercise on body temperature.



  • Observation of Light reflex,
  • Interpretation of visual acuity and color vision.
  • Conduction and interpretation of Rinne test & Weber test.