Group-A: Public health Legislation and
Cognate subjects in relation to Child Health
1. Child welfare and child protection legislation in Bangladesh
2. Comparative study of legislations of other countries
3. Vital statistics
4. Care of the healthy child
5. Functions and working of child welfare centers, day nurseries, kinder garden child guidance clinics
6. School medical service and dental service, care of handicapped childrenhomeless, deaf, dumb, mentally defective children, etc.
7. Juvenile courts
9. Immunization

Group B:
A. Therapeutics in Paediatrics
1. General care of newborn
2. Sick children including premature ones on
specific drugs and their use
3. Other important drugs commonly used in pediatric practice
4. Ancillary treatment
5. Parenteral fluid therapy
6. Physiotherapy
B: Feeding and Dietetics
1. Determination of food requirements
2. Infant feeding, Breastfeeding, feeding difficulties
3. Feeding in the older age period
4. Dietetics of the sick child
5. Folk diet

7. Training rotations: A trainee during his/her tenure needs to have a three-month attachment in the neonatology ward apart from his training in general Paediatrics.
8. Summative Examination:
8.1. Summative or exit examination will be at the end of the course and then every January and July of each year, the date determined by the university
8.2. There will be three papers on written examination.
8.3. Written questions: In each paper, there will be four questions. Two of them will be long Essay type and two will of SAQ, five in each question. Each paper will be divided into two groups: Group A & Group B
8.4. Clinical-practical:
Clinical: There will be one long case and a minimum of three short cases. In the long case, 30 minutes will be 11 for history taking and examination and 15 minutes for crossing by two examiners. Fifteen minutes will be allotted for short cases. Two examiners will assess the candidate in a long case. Two examiners will assess short cases of opposite groups of students.